
Auteur Sujet: Les infos du livre 7  (Lu 12032 fois)

Hors ligne Kashou

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #10 le: 03 mars 2009, 15:56:23 »
Merci pour toutes ces superbes infos !!  :).
Kashou ( Grade 6 ) : Elf / Chasseuse 66
Vestya ( Grade 8 ) : Humaine / Capitaine 85
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Hors ligne Fred

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #11 le: 03 mars 2009, 16:47:52 »
Mauvais patch, rien sur le gameplay du méné   ;)

Refaire les zones de départ, cela me parait complètement ridicule. Le problème
pour les nouveaux joueurs n'est pas dans les zones de départ qui sont déjà très
complètes (voire trop pour la Comté et ses 75 quêtes à finir pour compléter un trait).
C'est plutôt dans la progression après que le problème se pose. Avec deux difficultés :
la difficulté à faire le contenu de groupe (ca plus ou moins pas de solutions) et la difficulté
à rattraper les anciens joueurs en termes de traits, de réputation auprès des factions...

Alors quand je vois qu'ils annoncent clairement un nouveau farm pour accéder à la Lorien  :icon_confused:
Lotro - Gunar - Nain - Ménestrel - Tailleur
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Re : Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #12 le: 03 mars 2009, 18:36:19 »
Mauvais patch, rien sur le gameplay du méné   ;)

Indirectement le méné qui joue solo est à la fête (ainsi que le GDR et le MdS) ; le nerf du DPS des armes n'impacte pas ces trois classes et la difficulté des mobs est abaissée :) Les armes de CaC et arcs/arbalètes vont se manger un nerf variant entre 10 et 20%.
Sinon il y a des choses bien, le temps nécéssaire à lancer une Ballade est diminué de moitié.
Et sinon, les legs des armes légendaires du méné sont revues.
Je pensais qu'on avait passé le message ici mais non ! ops !
Donc : amis ménés, n'identifiez pas (trop) d'armes légendaires avant le Livre 7 car la mise à jour des legs sera pas rétroactive !
(entre autre, fini le super leg qui réduit le temps des 5 jours du cool down de la compet qui apprend des instruments aux autres ^^)

Pour les traits je suis bien d'accord, mon alt Leopold est certes un "ancien" mais que j'avais un peu délaissé ... je me demande comment il va faire pour avoir certains traits à 10 ^^ Mais bon.

Leyo, Voleur@Mer de Jade GW2
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Hors ligne Aestiliath

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #13 le: 05 mars 2009, 19:28:28 »
Quelques images du livre 7 :)

Où l'on apprends que nous pourrons bientôt diriger des groupes de npc dans certaines des nouvelles intances:
Ter i nórë ar i síri pella,
aselwë an Alcar !

à travers le pays et au delà des rivières,
avec nous vers la Gloire !

En ligne Gortack

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Le dev chat du 4 mars 2009
« Réponse #14 le: 06 mars 2009, 13:26:51 »
Voici le contenu intégral du dev chat du 4 mars 2009.

<Zephenia> Welcome Everyone To the Lord of the Rings Online Dev Chat on Stratics IRC... The chat will start shortly. Please post questions to [QT]Dronjak and [QT]Stiv only, all others will not be able to respond. And now the LOTRO team will introduce themselves and we will begin soon.

<CM-Liquilla> Welcome everyone, welcome to the European Developer chat for The Lord of the Rings Online.
<CM-Liquilla> Before we get started with the questions, don’t forget you can now refer your friends to LOTRO for Amazon vouchers by visiting

<Scenario> Good evening all! My name is Matt "Scenario" Elliott - World Designer du jour! When I am not stamping out wild fires and fighting caged lions, I like to dabble as many aspects of design as I can. I would really like to answer your World Design questions - so send them along, pretty please!

<Floon> Hi, I'm Floon, and I'm the Art Director for Lotro. I am impatiently awaiting the start of baseball season. It's like cricket, only more boring.

<Keth_Turbine> Hey there, I am Keth. I'm a Lead Content Designer here at Turbine... which means I wear many hats and have my fingers in many pies. Ask me about my Book 7 Content. I dare you.

<Sapience> HI all! I'm Sapience. I'm part of the Community team. I'm currently recovering from the pain of patch notes editing.

<Rowan> Hello I'm Rowan, Live Producer for LOTRO. I'm excited about Book 7, and look forward to your questions about Lothlorien!

<Jalessa> Hi everyone! I'm Jalessa, a systems designer here at Turbine. I hope Keth washed his fingers before putting them into all those pies. Otherwise, that'd be a terrible waste of pie.

<CM-Liquilla> I'm Callum "Liquilla"Rowley, Community Manager for Codemasters Online

<Sapience> There's lots of furious typing going on.

<Floon> Not from me. Soon as I see some art questions, I might start typing....

*{Ez0}Honvik* When we will see Kinship improvments like Kinship Vaults, Kinship Quests? and improvments to our Homesteads like Party area for hosting parties etc? It is something i asked over a year ago
<Keth_Turbine> It's funny, we were talking about that just the other day and we hope to have some housing neighborhood specific content in Book 8.
<Keth_Turbine> The idea of it is that you will be helping out your neighborhood (or your kinship's neighborhood) and get some housing rewards.
<Keth_Turbine> But you'll only be able to help out your neighborhood or your kinship's, not one you don't have a house on.

*Atador* Hello. In "The Shadows of Angmar" we have the Helegrod-Set and The Rift-Set. I think the biggest difference between these sets are the set-bonuses. With Moria there is the new raidiance set. Do you think it's the right way to define the quality of a set (and especially the next sets) only with the raidiance-factor?
<Sapience> Jalessa is typing wildly. This should be good.
<Rowan> Jalessa is typing... poor Jalessa, we used to tease Tens about this.
<Scenario> We still tease him about it
<Jalessa> Our progress in our raid sets in the future is something that we are continually discuss and plan out. We will continue to use radiance as a requirement for future raids, as you have seen with our current Moria sets. We also plan to improve set bonuses and item bonus amounts.

*Flushie* Will there be any new cosmetic items & haircuts in the near future?
<Floon> There are always new cosmetic items in every update. In Book 7, we have some Lothlorien-themed outfits that are pretty nice, as well as some new armor. Haircuts haven't seen any updates for a while, so I'm making that a priority to get a few done soon. Those are more expensive, as we can't just do one: you have to spread the love around, so that everyone gets something new.

*Gurobin* The guardian is one of my favourite classes in the game, but at the moment he´s really useless during the fight in the vile maw. Will the guardian be able to better fulfill his role with the new raid instance with book7?
<Rowan> There are two pieces to that... first, I think with Book 7 that you'll find Guardian ability to hold threat has greatly increased. In addition, the new Lair Raid for Book 7 will be much easier if you have tanks who know how to work together.

*adamo102* Can you consider adding option to draw your weapon and walk with weapon in hand while not being in combat? Would be nice to show off your legendary weapons. Also adds nice RP factor while exploring dangerous areas. Thanks!
<Floon> There's no particular reason why we couldn't let people walk around with weapons out of combat, I don't think. It just hasn't been high on anyone's list around here. I'll make a note to see if there's any problem with it.

*Hothorix* What are your plans of expansion in the game. Will we soon see the other side of Anduin? Will we go south straight ahead? Or will we go and see all of Rhovanion before we turn south to Rohan and such?
<Scenario> Well.. technically, you can get to the other side of the Andiun in Book 7. You just won't last very long once you get there.
<Scenario> As for our landscape direction post Book 7, we have the road mapped out and our plans are already seeing development. However, we likely won't be discussing those plans until Book 7 is beyond us and Book 8 is closer to release (at the earliest).

*Fruuto* As you surely know alot of people are craving for 12man content... why where the battlegrounds not designed as 12man content?
<Keth_Turbine> It depends on which battlegrounds you are talking about.
<Keth_Turbine> If you are talking about the three Moria battles that were part of "Mines of Moria," it didn't make sense to have them be 12 mans, as they were involved in the Epic quest line.
<Keth_Turbine> Getting a 6 man together seemed like enough of a challenge to add to completing that quest line!
<Keth_Turbine> As for upcoming content, such as the battle that is found in Book 7, we decided to keep it a 6 man, but provide some new dynamics in it to mix it up a bit. I think they're kinda neat, and I hope you like them.
<Keth_Turbine> In the end, the overall decision between 6 man and 12 man is determining how much of our player base will be able to make use of our content and really enjoy it.
<Keth_Turbine> Overall, we feel there is a larger audience for 6 man than 12 man content.
<Keth_Turbine> However, that doesn't mean there isn't 12 man content in Book 7. (It's just not a battleground!)

*Hothorix* Will it be possible to have own design on kinship cloaks in the future or will this never be possible?
<Floon> OK, so kinship cloaks. This has been a big deal on the US forums. Other games have done customizable cloaks, but we have have really big textures, and compositing custom cloaks on the fly for other players would be a significant performance hit: bad hitching every time a new player enters your scene. So it's something we need to be very very cautious about.
<Floon> When textures are smaller, it's less of a load.
<Floon> But our textures are large, and customizing systems start getting very bloaty.

*Alash* The concept of a hardmode and a softmode version of an instance seems to have catered to a broader group of players than with the previous 1-way instances. Is this something you plan to further develop in the future?
<Keth_Turbine> Yes, definitely.
<Keth_Turbine> Our goal is to support those modes better in new instances such that there is more and better feedback on them and when you fail them.

*{Ez0}Honvik* Will there be more chances to obtain Relics/Scrolls for Legendary items and perhaps better rewards when we deconstruct an item
<Jalessa> Absolutely, for the first part. Without giving away too much info - we're hard at work in the next book update...

*Performer* Would it be possible to allow having a second Hairstyle, that can then be toggeled (like the Outfits) ? The Selection should probably depend on the first Hairstyle, to keep the Length fairly equal - so you could switch unruly <> combed, or open <> pinned-up, ...
<Floon> What, you can't get a haircut every now and then? Barbers have to eat, too. Support your local merchants. But likely no, the appearances aren't structured that way.

*S|r_Drunk* Lotro promises much at begining of the game. But now going to be lineal gaming. all the chars must go on same road between lvl 15 and 40. You will develope new areas? giving more atention to have new kind of quest becouse all quest are the same.
<Keth_Turbine> Yeah, Orion is currently in the middle of evaluating our current regions and making changes such that there are multiple regions for you to play through as you advance.
<Keth_Turbine> You'll see the start of those changes in Book 7.
<Scenario> This doesn't rule out the possibility of new low-mid level regions in the future.

*SMeK* When lotro went live it already had in it a cloak with the white tree of gondor yet we did not have access to gondor. Are there any plans to create more themed cloaks for other areas and i dont just mean the big iconic areas, but ones maybe relating to the shire or thorins hall, etc
<Floon> Well, we have been putting out themed cloaks for a while. There are the Moria cloaks we just put in, and there's a Lorien cloak coming out in Book 7 (two, I think, actually).
<Floon> We try to enhance the cultural appeal of the outfits.

*mandarina1* Hi all, The captain community understand that IHW skill can be abused. Consider the outcome, if you will, of Boromir defending Merry and Pippin with 50% effectiveness. The mitigation of all damage is core to the captain class. Have the devs considered any alternatives to the 50% reduction?
<Rowan> We absolutely hear the feedback, and are watching the data from play experiences very carefully. The team has a number of ideas about ways that we might enhance this class.
<Rowan> Oh, and Boromir is a Guardian. But he did a noble job with his Challenge skills.

*Sko* Are there any plans about changing the system of distributing legendary weapons? Or will it stay the way it is (random type of weapon opposed to barter item)
<Jalessa> We've got your feedback on it - particularly for the Watcher (a lot) - and we're reviewing it. No promises.

*[WSX]Sierandir_Aberglynen* when do we get to kill sauron?
<Keth_Turbine> Actually, this content is in-game already. I'm really surprised no one has discovered how to access it yet.
<Keth_Turbine> Hint - It involves the Shire!
<Floon> I thought you guys did a great job on the Sauron instance...
<Sapience> *hides

*Juss* Hi, why was there no hotfix for monsterplayers. I mean as a temporary solution resists/mitigations should've been raised to stop the slaughterfest that is going on every day in moors since moria. PPPPPP was changed in few weeks, but creeps are left alone for months?
<Jalessa> Unfortunately adjusting resists and mitigations was too large of a task for a hotfix. The adjustments I made for those stats alone were about about a month's worth of work. If I were superwoman, I could have gotten it done faster for a hotfix. Unfortunately I'm not

*menestrockx* The raid in book 7 will be a one boss raid like the watcher raid or a 7-8 boss raid like the Rift?
<Keth_Turbine> The final encounter consists of one boss, something we've been calling a "Lair Raid."
<Keth_Turbine> However, accessing the encounter will require a bit of work, from quite a few people, actually.

*Sannas* Is there any plans for kinship of the month or has that been abandoned
<Sapience> *Looks at Rowan*
<Rowan> It was a comment that I made to tease Patience at the time. It is something we'd still love to do, but we need to balance it with everything else currently in the works... and we have some great ideas.

*lanorin* what was the key reason behind making leveling quicker in book 7, reducing XP requirements etc
<Rowan> So something for the future? Absolutely. Just not something I can tie a date to yet.
<Jalessa> The patch note makes it sound simpler than it is. The change was primarily focused towards our low-mid level players, in effort to make our early game more approachable to the casual user.

*Flaps* I personally loved Helegrod, the 24 man raid was alot of fun... are there any plans of adding in more tougher, longer 24 man raids in the future books?
<Keth_Turbine> For the foreseeable future, we aren't going to be doing any more 24 man Raids. Twelve man will be the largest encounter size probably from here on.

*Leomer* Will there be new festival content in the near future?
<Keth_Turbine> Yes, and it's kinda neat. We are adding some more content to the Spring Festival in Book 7.
<Keth_Turbine> In addition to another Horse for you to try to win, there will be a Hedge Maze for you to try to find your way through.
<Keth_Turbine> This Hedge Maze will be instanced, so you'll never see more than a handful of people in the Maze at a time.

*Danni* Hi. Will it be possible to hang up a flag on your house or above your door? I always wanted a flag on my house...
<Floon> Flags on houses sound like fun to me. Unfortunately, the team that would be dealing with adding all of that to all of the houses is busy with other world creation tasks. And the artists needed to create nifty housing flags are busy creating new monsters and content for the next updates. So it wouldn't happen very soon. But I like the idea.

*Belnavar* Is there a new radiance set in Book 7, or has this been pushed back to Book 8?
<Jalessa> The new radiance sets are in Book 8, they will be unveiled with the instances and raid that were pushed from Book 7.

*Alash* There has been quite a bit of debating about the lack of action towards removing crucial exploits, and even though you're fixing most of it with Book 7 - thumbs up, the hour is somewhat late. What is in the woodworks to prevent a similar situation in the future?
<Keth_Turbine> We actually do spend a lot of time trying to work out "undesired player behavior" in our content. Some of this behavior is made aware to us through player reports, while others we learn about via server logs.
<Keth_Turbine> Some of this behavior involves players dropping groups, restarting instances, etc, while other behavior is a bit more complicated and malicious.
<Keth_Turbine> I really can't tell you specifics on how we are addressing issues like these, though, because that tends to give people a heads up on how to work around it.

*Anrangar* Will there be more different types of Quests in future? some more puzzling or thinking not only killing ?
<Rowan> Our quests in Lothlorien are quite a change of pace. As you're in the homeland of the Elves of Lothlorien, there is not much killing involved. Instead we take the time to explore the story and history of Lorien. We hope you enjoy it!

*Frenya* What kind of rewards can we expect from the new lair raid?
<Rowan> Yes, one of the primary things you can expect is a token for radiance gear. We expect this to be an alternative to the current hard mode instances and another opportunity for kinships to "gear up" for the challenge of the Vile Maw. This raid also has some items specific to that boss.
<Jalessa> Something really cute too.

*Jono* Hey, Since Boromir was a Guardian could you let us know who the Captain of the fellowship was! I always assumed it was Boromir, especially since our Class Quests at level 45 took us too him.
<Rowan> Oops... sorry, I'm getting my leveling mixed up. Keth has corrected me. Boromir is the Captain, while Samwise is the Guardian. I apologize to all the Captains.
<Floon> Oooh, Rowan is burned...

En ligne Gortack

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #15 le: 06 mars 2009, 14:33:14 »
Bon, voici la traduction que j'ai préparé pour JOL, amis anglophiles, merci de me signaler des erreurs  :) (j'ai un petit doute sur le chapitre relatif au nouveau set radiance)

Quartier d’habitation : peut etre du contenu spécifique au voisinage de quartier dans le livre 8, l’idée est d’aider ses voisins (ou les voisins de sa confrérie) et d’avoir quelques récompenses de décorations.

Rayonnement : utilisation du rayonnement pour les futurs raids (comme prérequis), système implémentée dans la Moria. Néanmoins les améliorations de set et d’objet (en récompense)  porteront aussi sur les bonus.

Cosmétique : Dans le livre 7, ajout d’habits et d’armures relatifs au thème de la Lothlorien. Dans un futur livre de nouvelles coiffures (ça fait un bail qu’il n’y en a pas eu) seront rajoutés. Pas de possibilités d’avoir deux coiffures sélectionnables en même temps (contrairement aux habits)

Gardien : avec le livre 7, la classe de gardien devrait retrouver sa gloire passée, avec une capacité à générer de la menace bien plus importante. La nouvelle instance de raid du livre 7 devrait être ainsi beaucoup plus simple si vous avez des tanks qui savent comment travailler en equipe.

Arme à la main : ils vont voir s’ils peuvent rajouter l’option de se balader avec l’arme à la main.

Extension du jeu : Techniquement avec le livre 7 on peut aller de l’autre coté de l’Anduin. Ils savent exactement ce qu’ils vont développer pour la suite (livre 8) mais il est trop tôt pour commencer à en parler…

Les champs de bataille : Il s’agit de contenu pour groupe de 6 personnes parce que les devs pensent qu’il y a plus de demande pour ce type de groupe (au lieu de contenu pour 12). A l’heure actuelle, le contenu pour 12 joueurs concernent les raids (dont la nouvelle instance raid du livre 7).

Les capes de confrérie : un sujet longuement débattu sur les forums US. Pour le moment, techniquement irréalisable du fait que cela ralentirait énormément le jeu (les textures de Lotro sont en haute résolution et nécessiterait trop de calculs)

Mode des instances : mode hard et soft sont des concepts qui vont être gardés et améliorés en fonction des retours (en particulier quand vous échouez…)

Reliques/parchemins/récompenses des armes légendaires en cas de déconstruction : amélioration des récompenses de prévu, pas plus d’info cependant pour le moment

Amélioration/modification de la progression des joueurs : Orion est entrain de travailler dessus, il en est à la moitié de son évaluation. Depuis la release du jeu il y a eu effectivement de nouvelles régions d’ajouter, et ils sont entrain d’effectuer des changements pour une meilleure progression. On verra les premieres modifications dans le livre 7. Mais cela n’interdit pas un possible rajout de régions proposant du contenu pour niveau bas ou moyen dans le futur.

Skin de capes : A la release du jeu, il y avait une cape avec l’arbre blanc du Gondor. Il y a eu aussi les capes sur le thème de la Moria. Avec le livre 7, il y aura une ou deux capes avec un thème de la Lorien. Les devs cherchent à améliorer les tenues d’origine culturelles.

Augmentation de la vitesse de progression des persos : le patch note a retranscrit d’une manière un peu trop simplifiée ce changement. Le changement est surtout axé sur les bas-moyens niveaux, afin de rendre le jeu plus attrayant pour les casuals.

Raid 24 : Plus aucun projet de raid 24 joueurs pour le futur. Seuls des raids de 12 joueurs seront développés.

Festival : il devrait y avoir du nouveau contenu pour le prochain festival du printemps, notamment un labyrinthe végétal (en instance) ou il faudra trouver son chemin.

Drapeau devant sa maison : une bonne idée, mais qui mérite d’y consacrer du temps. Ça fait parti des todo, mais ce n’est pas en haut de la liste.

Nouveau set rayonnement dans le livre 7 : le nouveau set rayonnement sera disponible uniquement au livre 8, mais il sera à récupérer avec les instances et le raid rajouté au livre 7 (système de jetons ?).

Correction des abus (bug exploit) : Ils travaillent dessus, en particulier en “préventif”. Ils sont entrain d’analyser tous les comportements anormaux des joueurs (quitter un groupe dans l’instance, reset l’instance etc etc) afin de rendre impossible les bugs exploits.

Type de quêtes : En lothlorien, l’endroit est plus propice au calme. Il n’y aura donc pas que des quêtes où il faut tuer ! Et vous pourrez prendre votre temps pour explorer et découvrir l’histoire de Lorien, notamment au travers de quete énigme.

Récompense de la nouvelle zone de raid : Un jeton pour un objet radiance. Il s’agit d’une alternative au mode hard des instances et une autre opportunité pour les confréries d’affronter le Veilleur. Ce raid a également des objets spécifiques au boss.
« Modifié: 06 mars 2009, 15:33:44 par Gortack »

Hors ligne Aestiliath

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #16 le: 06 mars 2009, 14:48:51 »
En effet, le terme employé en jeu est rayonnement. ^^ En outre ils précisent bien qu'un certain rang en rayonnement sera nécessaire pour faire les futurs instances (pas toutes mais certainement les hl)

"cosmétique": ce n'est pas le terme employé dans l'aide de jeu mais je ne me souviens plus du bon :/
"haine": menace en fait
"Battlegrounds": Instances champs de bataille

Nouveau set radiance dans le livre 7 : le nouveau set radiance est pour le livre 8, mais il sera à récupérer avec les instances et le raid rajouté au livre 7. Sauf erreur de ma part, en anglais tu as tout de même une nuance: clairement tu vas acquérir le nouveau set via les instances introduites par le livre 7 mais ce set sera disponible seulement que dans le livre 8 (système de jetons ?)

Type de quêtes : En lothlorien, l’endroit est plus propice au calme. Il n’y aura donc pas que des quêtes où il faut tuer ! Et vous pourrez prendre votre temps pour explorer et découvrir l’histoire de Lorien. Ils font référence à des quêtes style énigmes (un peu comme la quête de la salle au trésor cachée, n'est-ce pas Naesse ;) )

PS: pour la ballade en anduin, ils précisent qu'en effet on y mettra les pieds avec le livre 7 mais on ne pourra pas y rester très longtemps (instance? Difficultés des mobs ?)

« Modifié: 06 mars 2009, 15:06:05 par Aestiliath »
Ter i nórë ar i síri pella,
aselwë an Alcar !

à travers le pays et au delà des rivières,
avec nous vers la Gloire !

Hors ligne Fred

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #17 le: 06 mars 2009, 15:02:18 »
Et "exploits" en francais ne veut pas dire du tout la même chose qu'en anglais  ;D
Techniquement, ca a même pratiquement un sens opposé. Abus, c'est plus court
et c'est plus clair  ;)
Lotro - Gunar - Nain - Ménestrel - Tailleur
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TESO - Gunark - Orc - Templier/soins - Alchimiste

Hors ligne Mel

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #18 le: 06 mars 2009, 15:06:47 »
les gardiens génèrent de la "menace"  :icon_exclaim: et pas de la haine  :icon_neutral:

Hors ligne PandiPanda

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Re : Les infos du livre 7
« Réponse #19 le: 06 mars 2009, 15:27:10 »
"In addition, the new Lair Raid for Book 7 will be much easier if you have tanks who know how to work together."

=> Traduction hobbite : La nouvelle instance de raid du livre 7 devrait être ainsi beaucoup plus simple si vous connaissez deux tanks qui savent comment jouer ensemble…

pourquoi 2 tanks ? je pense que le sens est plutot : instance plus simple si on a des tanks qui savent se servir de leurs doigts pour presser des touches tout en gueulant dans le micro au méné de le soigner en priorité et de laisser le champion et/ou archer crever...aahh je m'emporte c'est pas ca  ;D

"if you have tanks who know how to work together." si vous avez des tanks qui savent comment travailler en equipe.

( apres peut etre que je dis des betises...pas tout pu lire malheureusment, aggro boulot  ;D )



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